So, we made a draft for our script. Only two of the three characters speak and it's over the phone. My partner and I took advantage of the time we had in class and decided to make the script since it was only a short part of the opening. Now It's only a draft for now but we're pretty sure this was going to be our final script.
So before this conversation Pablo (the main character and father of Mateo) who hasn't been doing too well is dancing with the figment of his imagination so when he answers the phone he should already sound a bit distraught. It's his son Mateo calling to what seems to be a check up on his older father. My partner and I decided to make our characters hispanic hence why they speak Spanish in some of the dialogue. The more the progress into conversation the more they grow frustrated of each other resulting in the tension that my partner and I want to build. And while this conversation is happening the audience will see different shots of the home decorations, of Pablo himself, and just towards the end of the opening we decide to slowly zoom into a mysterious door hinting towards the fact that Rosa (his dead wife) might be in there.Monday, February 28, 2022
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Set design
Ok so, I talked about the storyboard but I don't think I went into much detail about the backgrounds within the storyboards. So as you can see my partner and I want to build a sort of loose mind and we decided to show the audience this through the way the house appears. We thought it would make a sense of insanity if we could show the viewer a sort of distorted, messy house hold.
So, in the storyboard we wanted to make sure to show details that point towards this insanity and disruption of the mind. For example, the dead flower and the flower that's alive that are shown in some shots. This represents and points to the wife's disappearance and the husband's perfectly normal health making him very much alive. Another example, is the dishes piled on in the sink showing a clearer image of a messy house hold which also refers to the mans messy mindset.
Friday, February 25, 2022
So, it would be hard to make an opening scene without a cast right? Well, instead of doing an opening that's about teenagers we decided to take a different approach, only using a teenager or young adult's voice. So instead of using teens we decided we would use an older couple. Preferably having them in their late forties or early fifties. So my partner and I decided to ask our parents for help.
So this might leave you thinking, why would you make this more difficult for yourselves? Or why the older cast in the first place? Well, in response to the first question I believe many will use themselves as their main cast which I don't believe is bad but I do want to branch out and try to make something a little bit more different. And the older cast adds to our opening and adds to the mysteries of our film and helps to beg the question.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Story Board
So to go into further detail, we decided to use the resources we had to our advantage. My partner and I drew out the scene given a visual of what we plan on doing. If it’s not obvious we’re really trying to build anticipation and give the audience that kind of thrill. Trying our hardest to make this opening mysterious and leave you asking questions.
So, the first few shots seem pretty normal, seems like a normal middle age couple dancing to a song in their living room. As we progress though, something seems off. As the piece progresses into something more gruesome and that’s when you notice, he’s dancing by himself. And while on the phone the tension builds more hinting to the fact that he might have killed his wife. But this is a rough draft so things might change in the future.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Title: Enigma
One of the most important parts of a film is its title. Whether it stikes fear into your heart or makes you want to cry your eyes out, it always has an importance behind it. So when it came to picking the title for our opening, my partner and I were stuck. We didn't know if we wanted it to be some unforgettable title or something that will just interest the person looking at it. It was hard to find a title that would suite our opening which seemed a little more difficult to name.
Then we decided that maybe the internet could be of service to us. So, we looked, found a few, but none that stuck out. My partner then decided to look up "the vibe" of our opening and we found it! Enigma, what stands out about this word is that it's very unique. And I believe that it will really make the viewer want to watch this film and learn more about it. As you can see enigma basically means hard to understand which we believe will help us in building the mystery that is our opening.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Fonts and their impact
Not much progress has been made on my project so far but I'm not all that concerned. I do really want to start working on a title though since we have a sort of developed plot. I was thinking of an either very simple or very unique title. Something else I would want to focus more on is the font which I believe actually will have more effect than the title itself.
Now, I know what you might be thinking, how on earth could the font have more meaning than the title? Well, when I think about I believe fonts actually have a way of shaping how your movie sounds. For example instead of the 2002 "Spider-man" film in which they use a font that seems more sophisticated and serious font with only white and a tint of gray. The 2017 "Spider-man: Homecoming" uses a more cartoonish and childish font making it more playful in my opinion. So, where I'm getting at is that, I want the title's font to shape the opening and have an impact.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Actual settled genre
So I changed my genre...not completely though. Instead of a horror we decided to make it a thriller. We both agreed on the story line, what it will be about, and the hidden details inside of it. To summarize it, we want an older gentleman maybe somewhere around 40 or 50. He will be casually dancing with his wife when the audience notices something odd. Now I won't spoil for the audience sake but we are learning towards a phycological thriller.
So, as I mentioned before for this to be a phycological thriller we want to point little hints as to the eventual plot. But there are some holes in which we need to fix. For example, who will we cast for this older gentlemen? I was thinking maybe one of our dads could help with that. Besides that I believe we'll be fine and I do have high hopes for this opening.
To give a visual, this is what we're aiming for expect for them to be a little older and with various shots such as close ups and a two shot.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Genre and Why
My partner and I decided on the genre of our project which will be horror. Despite the difficulty, I'm glad we landed in horror. I had faced some difficulty because I really wasn't sure what I could do with only a two minute video. But then I remembered the 1996 film “Scream” and how the opening was subtle but scary. So, I thought horror! Mentioned it to my partner and now I believe we’re going to be doing the genre.
You might be thinking, why horror? The reason I first thought of horror is because personally I believe horror is about simplicity. Some things as simple as staying home alone can be scary. Now I’m not sure exactly what the film opening can be just yet. But I want to be as simple and intense as the “Scream” opening. So, I want our opening to have just the right amount as intensity as it needs which I believe is what a good film opening has anyways.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Discussing Blog Posts
Today in class, we discussed different blogs, reviewing good and bad which I found to be very helpful. Not only did I learn to do but I also learned what not to do. for example, a blog in which I found to be pretty good turned out to actually have a lot of missed points due to very little detail. I found it so frustrating because here I was believing that a blog is just a documentation on your project and the process when in fact it's much more than that and even is used in order to correct or help with the project and how it will come out in the end. Anyways, after analyzing my notes and trying to understand I believe I finally had written at least a decent blog, trying to use as many details as I could and despite the fact I haven't technically started the project I still want to give as much detail and information as I can.
Music Marketing
Music Marketing Blog Post #2
Despite it was a little challenging, this project was fun and interesting to work on.
The research was very challenging. It was hard having to find research for the band “Foster the People” because they aren’t that big of a band as of right now. So, when it came to finding information on their recent album due to their decrease in popularity among teens such as myself. So, it was probably the most difficult part of the project but the rest became a lot simpler and fun.
When it came to brainstorming and planning, it came very easy to my group and I. We tried as hard as we could to make this band as different and alternative as they can be. Pushing the idea of this band being a fully women dominated band in order to demand a sort of change and difference in the alternative topic.
Production was mostly in the hands of my fellow peer, Keira. So, when it comes to my part in production. I believe my idea’s and I inspired the storyline which was a little different from our final video. So, post-production is mainly where I helped and provided ideas such as making this a boxing video in which someone is preparing for a fight. And my peers and I met halfway when it came to our final decision on this project.
I believe we did very well on the presentation. Being very clear and making our points simply, trying to let our audience understand why we want to market this band and why we believe it would be very successful in today’s society. My part was to talk among the teasers, merch, and the “Panic at the Disco” tour. Although my part of the presentation was abrupt and short I still believe I gave the information I needed to give and connected with my audience when it came to doing so.
Through this project I learned how to be subtle and deliver my points very professionally. As a reflection, I believe I was helpful to my group but I think my group worked especially hard to get a good grade and were the ones who did most of the work and did it very well. In order to improve in the Portfolio Project I believe this project taught me to manage my time and think everything through when it comes to being officiant.

Music Marketing
Music Marketing Blog Post #1
Maria Ribas; P-7
Well, we started this project on January 12th and once we were separated into groups and have already gotten our assignment we brainstormed immediately. We all gave our opinion on anything and everything and when we were faced with the challenge of one opinion being different than the other, we would always make a compromise, making room for all the ideas. Due to my absence of one day, I missed out on the case study but was later assigned a part which was to research the band “Foster the People” my difficulty with this band was they hadn’t had much popularity since their 2010 released “Pumped up kids” which didn’t give me much assistance due to that album being over 5 years old. But I eventually did find more information about the band but seemed much less than my fellow peers who ended up with Bands who had been more public. But I did understand when my fellow peers would also address how hard it was to find an exact audience when it came to their band’s case study.
After the case study proportion of this project, we quickly moved onto our music video as well as our social media outlets. We decided it be best if we strictly had our band on social media instead of having a website which we feel will not reach the audience we’re reaching for. My only problem with this section of the project is that I feel that I am not doing enough compared to my peers who have seemed to be quick when it comes to creating the music video or creating our band’s social outlets. While one of us worked on the storyboard the others worked on marketing and how things such as what social media this band will be part of, what type of collaborations will this band make, and what audience they will have and how they will want to affect their audience. Although the challenges of not knowing what type of people this band is going to be we have a rather good process in which we all work on separate things and once we step into class, we already know what to work on.
But to go into full process of how my group and I are approaching our project: The first day assigned to the project and to our group we immediately got our genre and listened to every song from beginning to the middle. After this we all agreed on the song “The Man” by The Killers, then moving onto how we wanted to promote this new band, also tapping into our case study, and creating our music video, making a group chat to stay connected if we have any further ideas. On the second day of our project, we then started our case study finding businesses and other bands to bounce off of, we divide the work letting us all study one band. We finished the case study around January 20th and submitted it, we then moved onto marketing and the music video, which we also divided. For marketing we tried making our band very social and only having social media rather than a website and we also made collaborations for our band with the brands “Monster” and “Vans” also in the process of making our music video using story boards and making sure we all like the story. Finishing a lot this class working on our presentation, my job being social media outlets and merchandise.
Last blog
This opening focuses on an older man who throughout the opening the viewer finds out he’s not mentally well who dealing with the death of hi...
My partner and I decided to give character's names in order to specify which is which. Pablo is the father and also the main character, ...
Ok so we filmed… again. As I mentioned the first time filming was fine but not what we wanted. Now although the actors were great and every...
This opening focuses on an older man who throughout the opening the viewer finds out he’s not mentally well who dealing with the death of hi...