Music Marketing Blog Post #2
Despite it was a little challenging, this project was fun and interesting to work on.
The research was very challenging. It was hard having to find research for the band “Foster the People” because they aren’t that big of a band as of right now. So, when it came to finding information on their recent album due to their decrease in popularity among teens such as myself. So, it was probably the most difficult part of the project but the rest became a lot simpler and fun.
When it came to brainstorming and planning, it came very easy to my group and I. We tried as hard as we could to make this band as different and alternative as they can be. Pushing the idea of this band being a fully women dominated band in order to demand a sort of change and difference in the alternative topic.
Production was mostly in the hands of my fellow peer, Keira. So, when it comes to my part in production. I believe my idea’s and I inspired the storyline which was a little different from our final video. So, post-production is mainly where I helped and provided ideas such as making this a boxing video in which someone is preparing for a fight. And my peers and I met halfway when it came to our final decision on this project.
I believe we did very well on the presentation. Being very clear and making our points simply, trying to let our audience understand why we want to market this band and why we believe it would be very successful in today’s society. My part was to talk among the teasers, merch, and the “Panic at the Disco” tour. Although my part of the presentation was abrupt and short I still believe I gave the information I needed to give and connected with my audience when it came to doing so.
Through this project I learned how to be subtle and deliver my points very professionally. As a reflection, I believe I was helpful to my group but I think my group worked especially hard to get a good grade and were the ones who did most of the work and did it very well. In order to improve in the Portfolio Project I believe this project taught me to manage my time and think everything through when it comes to being officiant.

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